Country Points of Contact
The Country Points of Contact play a vital role in assuring the success of environmental cooperation. Designated by the ministries or departments responsible for cooperation, they are the “glue” of Program coordination. They receive and transmit information to and from their governments, other Points of Contact and implementing agencies, contractors and NGOs.
Patricia M. Campos (Environment)
Director, Cooperation and International Relations
Ministry of the Environment and Energy
Tel (506) 2258-0069 – (506) 8346-1513
Fax (506) 2223-5086
Alejandra Aguilar (Trade)
Coordinator of the Trade, Investment, and Sustainable Development Forum
Ministry of Foreign Trade
Tel (506) 2299-4947
Rosa Haydee Otero Nieves (Environment)
Director of International Relations
Deputy Ministry for International Cooperation
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Tel (809) 567-4300 Ext 6421
Leidylin Contreras de Fernández (Trade)
Director of Administration of International Trade Agreements and Treaties
Deputy Ministry of Foreign Commerce
Ministry of Industry, Commerce and SMEs
Tel (809) 685-5171, ext. 1012 Fax (809) 381-8076
Jessica Laguardia (Environment)
Specialist in the Continuation of International Conventions
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Tel (503) 2267-9468/ (503) 7856-3457
Diana Ramirez (Trade)
Directorate of Administration of Commercial Treaties
Ministry of Economy
Tel (503) 2247-5788
Juan Carlos Diaz Contreras (Environment)
Liaison Officer to CCAD
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Tel (502) 2423 0509, (502) 2423 0500 , ext 4220
Fax (502) 2431 6078
Ileana Palma (Trade)
Adviser on Environment and International Cooperation
Ministry of Economy of Guatemala
Tel +502 2412-0200, ext. 4207
Karen Rico Villalta (Environment)
Trade and Environment Unit
Secretariat of Natural Resources, and Environment (SERNA)
Tel +504 239-6721, ext. 33104
Rolando Zúniga (Trade)
Trade and Sustainable Development Negotiator and Trade Remedies
Directorate General of Administration and Negotiation of Treaties
Secretariat for Economic Development
Tel +504 2235-8383
Fax +504 2235-5047
René Castellón (Environment)
Direction of Biodiversity – CITES Administrative Authority
Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Tel (505) 2263-1994
Fax (503) 2263-1994
Carlos Martínez Navarro (Trade)
Carlos Martínez Navarro (Trade)
Point of Contact for Trade for Nicaragua
Chief Department of North America and Dominican Republic
Ministry of Development, Industry, and Trade
Tel (505) 2248-9300
Neal Morris (Environment)
Foreign Affairs Officer
Bureau of Oceans and International
Environmental and Scientific Affairs
U.S. Department of State
Tel (202) 647-9312
Fax (202) 647-5947
Sigrid A. Simpson (Trade)
Director, Environment and Natural Resources
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Tel (202) 881-6592
Fax (202) 920-7690