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DR-CAFTA Environmental Matters Council Meeting. Joint Press Release
12 de marzo de 2009 - CCAD
Area: Medio Ambiente


(San Jose, Costa Rica, March 10th 2009) The Environmental Matters Council, established in accordance with the Dominican Republic - Central America - United States Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA) met is San Jose, Costa Rica on the 10th of March, 2009.

The meeting focused primarily on the discussion on transparency and public participation in DR-CAFTA countries. The Council highlighted the importance of transparency and public participation in the mutual relations that should exist between trade and environmental protection and improvement.

An important highlight during the meeting was the decision of the Council in naming Mr. Jorge Guzman, from El Salvador as General Coordinator of the Secretariat for DR-CAFTA Environmental Matters for a period of two years, beginning on May 1st, 2009. Mr. Guzman has several years of experience working with DR-CAFTA on environmental matters and controversy solution. Such experience will be very valuable in conducting his work as general coordinator.

Also, the Council approved a dissemination plan to promote the understanding of strengthening public participation, as established by DR-CAFTA by the civil society.

The Council met with representatives from the Civil Society, including non-government organizations, members from the academia and public sector, in order to achieve good understanding of their expectancies, concerns, and interests. The Council provided information on the important results achieved through DR-CAFTA environmental cooperation, and presentations were made on the waste water regulation model, as well as activities aimed at promoting cleaner production. These activities and some other aspects contemplated in the DR-CAFTA Environmental Cooperation program have given key results in helping the promotion of a growing sense of protection to the environment in DR-CAFTA countries.

Source: http://www.sica.int/busqueda/Noticias.aspx?IDItem=34240&IDCat=3&IdEnt=696&Idm=1&IdmStyle=1

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